2009.9-2014.6 广州中医药大学 博士(硕博连读) 专业:中药学 导师:陈蔚文(博士导师),林辉(硕士导师)
2005.9-2009.7 广州中医药大学 本科 专业:制药工程(中药学)
2020.10至今 广州中医药大学,中药学院,副研究员
2017.9-2020.10 广州中医药大学,杏林学者后备人才
2015.11-2017.9 中国中医科学院/中山市中智药业集团有限公司,博士后(联合培养),专业:生药学,合作导师:陈士林/成金乐
(1)主持国家自然科学青年基金项目1项(龙脑樟中右旋龙脑生物合成关键酶基因BPPS的鉴定和功能研究. 20万, 2020.1-2022.12进行中)
(2)主持中国博士后科学基金项目1项(基于DGGE和HTS的中药破壁饮片混合物鉴定方法研究. 5万, 2016.11-2017.11, 已结题)。
[1] Zheng, Xiasheng & An, Wenli & Yao, Hui & Xu, Jiang & Chen, Shilin. (2020). Rapid Authentication of the Poisonous Plant Gelsemium elegans by Combining Filter-Paper-Based DNA Extraction and RPA-LFD Detection. Engineering. 10.1016/j.eng.2020.02.012.
[2] Yang Z, An W, Liu S, Huang Y, Xie C, Huang S, Zheng X. Mining of candidate genes involved in the biosynthesis of dextrorotatory borneol in Cinnamomum burmannii by transcriptomic analysis on three chemotypes. PeerJ. 2020 Jun 10;8:e9311. doi: 10.7717/peerj.9311.
[3] An W, Li J, Yang Z, Huang Y, Huang S, Zheng X. Characteristics analysis of the complete Wurfbainia villosa chloroplast genome. Physiol Mol Biol Plants. 2020 Apr;26(4):747-758. doi: 10.1007/s12298-019-00748-3.
[4] Yansui Mai, Zerui Yang, Xiaoyu Ji, Wenli An, Yuying Huang, Shanshan Liu, Lian He, Xiaoping Lai, Song Huang & Xiasheng Zheng (2020) Comparative analysis of transcriptome and metabolome uncovers the metabolic differences between Dendrobium officinale protocorms and mature stems, All Life, 13:1, 346-359, DOI: 10.1080/26895293.2020.1781699.
[5] Yansui Mai, Zheng Niu, Wenda He, Xiaoping Lai, Song Huang, Xiasheng Zheng. The Reparative Effect of Dendrobium officinale Protocorms against Photodamage Caused by UV-Irradiation in Hairless Mice. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2019;42(5):728-735. doi: 10.1248/bpb.b18-00901.
[6] Huang Y, Yang Z, Huang S, An W, Li J, Zheng X, Comprehensive Analysis of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa Chloroplast Genome. Plants. 2019 Apr 4;8(4). pii: E89. doi: 10.3390/plants8040089.
[7] Xiasheng Zheng, Changwei Ren, Song Huang, Jing Li, Ying Zhao. Structure and features of the complete chloroplast genome of Melastoma dodecandrum. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12298-019-00651-x.
[1] 《本草基因组学》,编者,科学出版社,2018年。
[2] 《中药粉末饮片的古今应用》,副主编(排名第一),人民卫生出版社,2017年。
[3] 《中药破壁饮片》,编委,人民卫生出版社,2017年。